Thursday, April 27, 2017

Week 11

Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson is a very impressive display of creative possibilities of science fiction. The main character is Hiro Protagonist, a freelance hacker/pizza delivery boy. It takes place in a future America where a thing called the Metaverse (basically the internet but cooler) has a hold on the hyper-capitalist society and an unknown virus called Snow Crash is let loose. I could give credit just for the cool concepts Stephenson came up with for his book. I personally love to come up with cool concepts and try to give them believable backstories or any way to make them more plausible so when I read a story like this about a crazy world full of cool concepts and the writer takes the time to bring out little details for these concepts I really do appreciate them. On top of that the humor does add flavor to it that helps the kind of complex premise.

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